Osama Quotah, AIA
Partner, LMN Architect
A Partner at LMN Architects, Osama’s professional career has been grounded by a strong commitment to connect architecture to culture and place. His projects range from educational campuses, cultural buildings, and interpretive facilities, to complex civic infrastructure projects that stitch together neighborhoods and communities. Osama’s notable projects include the SeattleAquarium Ocean Pavilion, educational facilities for Seattle Academy, Lakeside School, and UW, several Sound Transit East Link and Lynwood Stations, and the land bridges and lids for the SR 520 West Approach Project.

David Miller, FAIA
Founding Partner, Miller Hull
Shaped by his experience in the Peace Corps, Dave’s designs are honest expressions that reflect the unique soul of a place, a testament to his steadfast commitment to the surrounding environment and community. This devotion illustrates Dave’s dynamic approach that responds not only to the changing needs of society, but also to the evolving capabilities of the profession.Considered the brains of the operation while co-founder and lifelong friend Bob Hull was said to be the heart, Dave was always the one asking, “What do you think?” while Bob would famously respond, “I don’t know, let’s try it.” The two – always inseparable – shared a relationship centered on the intersection of ideas, emotion, humor, and compassion; and their mutual approach of focusing on people rather than architectural objects lives on today in the practice.

Andrew Barash, P.E.
Senior Project Manager, Jacobs
Andrew Barash is a senior project manager and civil engineer with 24 years of experience working at Jacobs in Seattle, Washington. He applies his skills toward managing and coordinating large, multi-discipline project teams. Andrew has experience in all aspects of transportation-related projects - from planning, design, and through construction. His civil design work includes roadway design, multimodal street design – featuring strong transit, bike and pedestrian accommodations.